Preparing Kids with Food Allergies for Summer Camp

The hustle and bustle of the school year has finally come to a halt and the sun is rising earlier, reminding us all that summer is near. With summer on the horizon, there’s lots to think about, especially preparing your kids with food allergies for camp. In between getting batteries for the flashlight and writing your child’s name on every article of clothing it can be a challenge to think about the many ways to help the camp staff keep your little one safe and healthy.

When it comes to the safety and health of your child, over-communication can be a great thing! Some of the topics we recommend covering are:

• Have a chat with the camp director. Discuss the camp’s food allergy policy as well as how the camp staffers and volunteers monitor and communicate information about food allergies.

• If the camp has a nurse or healthcare person on staff, ask about their credentials as well as who handles their duties when they are off.

• Review the camp’s emergency protocol/procedures for handling different situations and emergencies. If the camp has off site excursions be sure that the traveling counselors are aware and have a plan for the safe transport of your child’s medication, particularly since some medications are temperature sensitive.

• If your child has a medical kit be sure to include written instructions for how to administer them, as well as include their full name and picture on the outside (for quick identification). A list of allergies and the specific symptoms your child typically displays can also be extremely helpful.

• Check expiration dates of all medications in advance of drop-off day.

If you are aware that there will be meals or snacks that your child needs to steer clear of, let the camp and your child know. Perhaps, send your child with something special so they don’t feel left out. Our yummy allergy-friendly snacks are the perfect treat if your child can’t have what the camp provides.

Discussions and reminders with your child about safe eating as well as how and when to tell an adult about a possible allergic reaction is extremely important. After all, your child is the last line of defense.

We know these conversations can be challenging, but the more you have them, the more comfortable you and your child will be when camp or another fun event rolls around. Do you have any other tips to add? Let us know in the comments below!

Continue reading our related post on preparing your child with food allergies for a slumber party or browse our selection of award-winning treats now!


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