Fun & Safe Easter Craft for Kids: Make an Easter Garland!
With Easter comes excitement and lots of traditions to people the world over. In Greece, for example, “pot throwing” takes place on the island of Corfu to welcome spring. In France, nearly 12,000 eggs are cracked and cooked to create one giant omelet. In Poland, the master of the house isn’t allowed to partake in making the traditional Easter bread as it’s believed that his mustache will turn gray and the dough will fail to rise. Here in the U.S. Easter egg rolls and hunts have been taking place on the White House lawn for well over 100 years.
Like many of the holidays that include tradition around food, Easter can be challenging to come up with ways to make sure our kiddos feel included and loved when they aren’t able to participate because of an allergy. So, with both Easter and Earth Day drawing near we thought why not share an allergen friendly craft that upcycles something you likely have around the house. Drum roll, please… paint swatches! We will use these to make our very own Easter garland. Additionally, we created a fun printable Easter craft coloring page to keep your kiddo busy while you get all that Easter prep done!
With traditions and values going hand in hand, why not encourage creativity while bringing awareness to earth friendliness? In a culture of “use and replace,” finding new ways to utilize that which would otherwise be discarded can be a fun and challenging thing to explore as a family. It also helps reframe ideas and expectations. For example, Easter craft ideas such as decorating eggs are synonymous with the holiday, though not safe for those with egg allergies.
To get you and your kids started, we recommend grabbing the following items for your Easter garland:
• Leftover paint swatches (if you don’t have these at home, head to your local hardware store and ask if they have any paint
swatches they are recycling!)
• Kid friendly scissors
• A hole punch
• Twine for stringing up your Easter cutouts
1. Trace different Easter shapes that your kiddo is excited about on the pack of the paint swatches (we did bunny heads and
2. Let your kiddo cut out the shapes.
3. Put a hole punch in the top of the shape and string the twine through the cutouts, securing them a little knot on the back.
4. Hang in a doorway or on the wall to bring extra Easter joy to your house!
We’d love to see you and your kiddos creations, so please feel free to tag us on your social media posts!