Best First Day Ever: Navigating Back-to-School for Kids with Food Allergies
As the summer months draw to a close, the back-to-school season can bring a mix of excitement and nerves for both kids and parents. For families with children who have food allergies, this time of year can be particularly stressful. From concerns about cross-contact in the lunchroom to worries about snack time, sending your child back to school after the freedom of summer can be a headache.
As a food allergy parent, how can you keep your child happy and healthy during those school hours? What can you do to make sure they have the best first day of school ever?
Let’s get this year off to a good start with some helpful tips for navigating your child’s food allergies in a school setting. With just a bit of preparation, you can make sure that back-to-school season is a breeze.
Set Up A Meeting with School Staff
Being proactive is key when sending your child back to school. Even if your child's returning to the school you know and love, a quick chat with teachers, the school nurse, and cafeteria staff can make a world of difference. These are your child's champions during the day, and you can help them be as educated as possible. Share a list of your child's allergies and a plan in case of a reaction. Make sure your contact information is on file so the school can reach you easily. Ask about the school's allergy policies and how they can support your child's specific needs. Getting this squared away before the bell rings means you and your child can confidently conquer the first day knowing there's a plan in place for a happy, healthy school year.
Keep Your Kid in the Loop
Knowledge is power! Turn your kid into an allergy all-star by teaching them everything they need to know about their allergens. Ditch the textbooks and turn learning into something they actually enjoy doing.
Explore the grocery store on a "Safe Food Scavenger Hunt," where your child searches for familiar allergy friendly options. Teach them to decipher food labels, and reward them with a sticker or an (allergy friendly) snack when they properly identify one of their allergens.
We all know the importance of washing hands with soap and water before and after eating, but your child might not. Remind them about proper hand hygiene using the “Glitter Germs” method. Put a small amount of glitter on their hands to represent their allergen and show them how soap washes the glitter away. They will remember this fun visual every time they wash their hands.
Books and TV shows are another great way to introduce allergy safety measures in a digestible way. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood has a great episode about allergies that even covers allergies at school! Show this to your child before their first day to give them the boost of confidence they need to tackle the lunchroom.
Foster Community
Spread the word! Chat with other parents about allergies at school. You might be surprised how many families are in the same boat and can be your allies as you navigate the back-to-school season. Encourage your child to be open with friends and teachers – sure, allergies can feel isolating sometimes, but communication builds understanding and empathy. The more your child's classmates know about their allergens, the stronger their connection can be. Remember, a support system at school can make a world of difference for your child's happiness and safety. So don't be shy – share your story and get loud (and proud) about keeping your child safe.
Pack Safe Snacks
Of course, the best way to make sure your child is safe at school is to pack them some goodies for when they get hungry. Making their lunch and ensuring they have something on hand to munch on is always a safe bet. Try our new Chocolate Sunflower Butter Single Cups for a safe and delicious treat option. They are packaged in convenient boxes of 22 individually wrapped 15g cups, perfect for school lunchboxes, snacks on the go, and more. If your child prefers something with a satisfying salty crunch, our Crunchsters are also available in snack packs. They are free from common allergens, and as an added bonus, they are entirely plant based! Your kid will be so happy opening their lunchbox and finding allergy friendly snacks to get them through the day.
Have Fun with Allergy Friendly Activities
Remember, the first day of school is meant to be exciting. Your kid’s allergies don’t have to get in the way of that. There are many ways you can make this day (and the entire school year) both safe and fun.
Try putting together a Safe Snack Piñata. Fill a small piñata with safe treats and allergy friendly stickers. Let your child whack it open for a fun pre-school energy boost.
Plan a Safe Snack Decorating Party the night before school starts. Get your child involved in packing their own safe snacks. Have a decorating party with fun cookie cutters, sprinkles, or food colorings. This personalizes their food and makes healthy choices exciting.
Turn allergy education into a "School Day Charades" Game. Role-play scenarios where your child might encounter allergens. Practice asking a teacher about ingredients or politely declining a classmate's snack. Have your child write a script and stage a true performance for the whole family. This will boost their confidence in a fun and entertaining way.
Get crafty by helping your child decorate their own Allergy Adventure Backpack, specifically for safe snacks and medication. Use puff paint or glue on patches with allergy friendly messaging. This gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility for managing their allergies while also allowing their creativity to shine.
Check out Free2b’s printable coloring pages for another crafty after-school activity. Coloring is a great way for your kid to relax and wind down after an exciting school day. While your kid is busy with their markers, bake a special, allergy friendly sweet treat to congratulate them on a great first day. Try our Sea Salt Caramel Brookies – a deliciously gooey, chocolatey treat with a surprise caramel center. They will be so excited to tell you all about their day while munching on a safe (but delicious) snack.
Give Your Kid a School Year to Remember
With the proper preparation, allergies won’t get in the way of your child having an amazing school year. Remember that your kid’s teachers, school officials, and friends have your kid’s best interests at heart. As long as you put in a little bit of effort to educate at the beginning of the year, there is nothing keeping your kid from learning, having fun, and staying healthy. Take a breath, and let your child have the best school year ever.
Free2b would love to see your kid’s first day of school photos! Don’t forget to tag us @free2bfoods so we can cheer them on!