free2b Crafty: Valentine Mason Jar Ideas
February the 14th brings surprise and delight to people all over the world. In Finland and Estonia, it’s a celebration of friendship, in Norfolk, England you may look forward a visit from “Jack Valentine” (a Santa Claus of sorts) known to leave little treats and small presents at your doorstep. In much of the U.S. yummy treats, clothes and decorations adorned with hearts, and the trading of sweet notes reigns supreme.
This year we had a blast creating a fun-filled Valentine’s Treat bag with your little ones in mind! Valentine’s Day can be a challenge for families with allergies and we want to be sure that no one misses out on the fun. Our bag is a one stop shop that not only includes 40 custom created Valentine’s Day cards but also 40 delectable Top 12 Allergen Free and Vegan Chocolate cups. We hope you and your family have as much fun filling out the cards and affixing the chocolate cups as we had putting the treat bags together.
With keepsakes and treats aplenty why not make a cute little vessel to store, gift, and display them in? We are excited to share with you a fun valentine mason jar craft. This took us about 15-20 minutes and we think it would be a fun, quick and easy craft to do with your kids!
There are many uses for your mason jar Valentine’s craft, let your imagination run wild! We like the idea of gifting a loved one chocolates, storing your keepsakes, using it as a flower vase, or even to hold writing utensils at your desk. These are just a few ideas. Have fun with it and make it your own, too!
1. One half-pint mason jar with lid (a pickle jar or pasta sauce jar would also work great!)
2. Paint (we chose multi-surface satin paint)
3. Small bowl or jar (for holding the paint, we recommend using a bowl that is not used for eating or storing food)
4. Brush or sponge
5. Hair dryer
6. One or two sheets of felt (in the colors of your choosing)
7. Scissors
8. Hot glue gun
9. Your choice of stickers
10. 1 foot of twine or ribbon
1. Begin with a clean and dry mason jar
2. Give the multi-surface satin paint bottle a good shake and pour a small amount out into your bowl
3. With your sponge or brush, paint a layer of the paint onto the outside of the mason jar
4. With your hair dryer on a low setting carefully dry the mason jar for a minute or two
5. Add a second layer of paint with your sponge or brush
6. Dry the mason jar for a few more minutes with your hair dryer until the paint is no longer sticky/tacky to touch
7. Use soap and water to clean your hands, brush/sponge and small bowl
8. With the scissors carefully cut out a few hearts (we used heart stickers as guides)
9. With your glue gun carefully affix the felt hearts and stickers to the Mason Jar (for kiddos safety we recommend that the adults execute this step)
10. Wrap the twine/ribbon around the rim of the mason jar and tie a knot or bow
11. Fill with whatever tickles your fancy; display, gift, and enjoy!
Please be careful with your creation. To enjoy your valentine mason jar for years to come, we recommend a gentle hand wash as well as keeping it out of the microwave, dishwasher, or oven. If you will be using it to store food, we recommend keeping the paint on the outside of the mason jar.
We’d loooove to see you and your kiddos creations, so please feel free to tag us on your social media posts with #Valentinesdaymasonjar!